Creating connections that involve social relationships, mutual support and a sense of belonging in our communities.
The Connect Affect along with Weston YMCA and members from UW Whitewater Wheelchair Basketball team, recently held a demo. Here are some highlights from that evening!
For more information on Adaptive Recreation, check out our latest Blog article:
Looking for something to do in your community? Check out some of these local event calendars and resources.
Visit Marshfield https://visitmarshfield.com/events/
Main Street Marshfield https://mainstreetmarshfield.com/events/
Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library https://marshfieldlibrary.org/adults/events-calendar.php
Marshfield Chamber of Commerce https://web.marshfieldchamber.com/events?oe=true
Event Brite https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--marshfield/all-events/
All Events Marshfield https://allevents.in/marshfield/this-weekend
Wausau and Surrounding Areas
City Pages https://ebooksmmc.com/category/city-pages-wausau/
All Events Wausau https://allevents.in/wausau/this-weekend
Greater Wausau https://www.greaterwausau.org/explore/
Wausome https://wausome.com/news/
Wausau Events https://wausauevents.org/events/
Visit Wausau https://www.visitwausau.com/events/wausau-area-events-calendar/
Wausau Pilot and Review https://wausaupilotandreview.com/wausau-area-events/#/
Marathon County Public Library https://mcpl.us/events/
Event Brite https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--wausau/all-events/
Merrill Chamber of Commerce https://www.merrillchamber.org/events
Merrill Foto News https://merrillfotonews.com/category/events/
Merrill Enrichment Center https://www.facebook.com/p/Merrill-Enrichment-Center-100068199439367/
TB Scott Library https://www.tbscottlibrary.org/events/
Event Brite https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--merrill/all-events/
All Events Merrill https://allevents.in/merrill-wi/this-weekend
Wisconsin Rapids
Event Brite https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--wisconsin-rapids/all-events/
Visit Wisconsin Rapids https://www.visitwisrapids.com/events
Wisconsin Rapids Chamber of Commerce https://www.wisconsinrapidschamber.com/community-events/
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune https://www.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/things-to-do/events/
All Events Wisconsin Rapids https://allevents.in/wisconsin%20rapids/all
Stevens Point
Stevens Point Area https://www.stevenspointarea.com/events/this-month/
IDEA Center https://www.createportagecounty.org/experiences
Portage County Library https://www.pocolibrary.org/events
Event Brite https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--stevens-point/all-events/
All Events Stevens Point https://allevents.in/stevens%20point/this-weekend
Ways To Connect:
Community Connections explores a person’s strengths, interests and goals to find places in the community where they feel welcomed, valued and with a sense of belonging.
For more information on the Community Connections Program click the button below.
Creating friendships by matching adults with disabilities to volunteers from the community.
For more information on the Better Together Program click the button below.
Community Friends is a monthly social group that focuses on authentic inclusion of people with disabilities in the community by partnering with local organizations and businesses to host events and then take part in the event to help promote acceptance, understanding and inclusion.
Men’s Sheds are an international model used to build community connection by providing a supportive and inclusive space for men of all ages and backgrounds to come together, share skills and engage in meaningful activities.