School-to-Work Transition Services
Providing school-to-work transition services for students, teachers and families.
What we provide for students
Career exploration and discovery: interest inventory and learning assessment plans
Skills training
Job preparation and soft skills training: attitude, communication, planning and organizing, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, teamwork, professionalism and media etiquette
Job seeking: resumes, applications and interviewing skills
Job keeping: employer expectations
Job shadowing experiences and tours of local businesses
Paid internships
Job development
Systematic instruction, job coaching and on-the-job support
Work incentives benefits analysis
What we provide for teachers & parents
Take steps toward community employment in a safe, supported small group setting.
Participation in IEP meetings
Classroom presentations
Assistance with coordination and presentation at transition nights / business days
Education about adult services
Assistance with connecting to the adult system and funding sources
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC), Department of Workforce Development - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), your county’s human services department, managed care organizations (MCO) or IRIS Consulting Agencies.
Project SEARCH
What makes Project SEARCH so special?
It’s a school-to-work transition service for young adults with disabilities, but with an exciting twist! Project SEARCH participants age 18 – 24 spend a full school year at a host business location, studying curriculum that focuses on work and independent life readiness, and rotating through three different internship in the workplace setting. It is an amazing opportunity for young people to get the training and work experience they need to be successful in work and life.
ODC supports at the following locations:
Marshfield - Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, since 2011
Wisconsin Rapids - Aspirus Riverview Hospital, since 2015
Stevens Point - Sentry Insurance, since 2018
Wausau - Aspirus Wausau Hospital, since 2018
For more info about these services, contact:
School-to-Work Transition:
Sara Schueller at 715-996-1720 or sschueller@odcinc.com
Project SEARCH:
Danielle Nystrom at 715-996-1701 or dnystrom@odcinc.com